Social Media: A Toxic Wonderland

Matthew Harris
3 min readNov 19, 2020
Photo by stem.T4L on Unsplash

What was your first social media, and how were you introduced to it? Are you part of the new of the internet being a part of TikTok, one day as you were watching YouTube did you get introduced to amino? Did you hear the people at your school talk about Snapchat, Instagram or maybe even Kik? Were you around when Myspace a thing or did you use Facebook and Twitter first? Or are you a content creator on YouTube or Twitch, that deals with the constant pressure of living up to people’s standards.

These forms of social media could influence your life in a positive or negative manner. Social Media is a great way to keep up to date with your favorite celebrities, important news and many more quirks about social media. You can even watch your favorite streamers and content creators that could bring you joy and laughter. Some people would call this place a wonderland, but wonderlands are sometimes too good to be true.

This new age of social media is a toxic cesspool where everyone hates each other behind a computer screen. Every single day the world becomes more and more separated with petty arguments. TikTok is an outstanding example of this as gender wars, race wars and many wars that tear people apart. A post about men being able to get raped as well, females and males saying that they can’t. How women have the kill all men trend is another good example of this, demonizing men for no reason. Women are also getting attacked for no reason, being told to get in the kitchen and many more sexist ideologies.

As mentioned earlier, race wars are also on TikTok. Something I noticed more recently is the statement of how you can’t be racist to white people. “You can’t oppress the oppressors.” is another argument people use against white people. It’s also being normalized to call Caucasians offensive names such as “Mayo Monkey and Albino Gorilla.” As a person of color, I find this disgusting. Everyone is human. We should try our hardest to at least get along, but that won’t ever happen if these arguments keep going.

Another cesspool of social media is Twitter where it’s equally bad. That’s where cancel culture exists, modern day ostracization against celebrities or famous people. If the internet finds something that the content creator did distasteful, they’ll get cancelled off the internet. There are two ways people handle it: make an apology or leave like everyone wanted them too. Sometimes if the apology isn’t up to their standards, they would get attacked once again. People getting offended for other people, it’s a constant circle of people getting cancelled.

Overall, social media could be a great place, it has its downsides. Some people can meet their lovers and close friends. But this wonderland can be an extremely toxic place, causing close relationships to end and separating the human race apart.



Matthew Harris

A high-school student that’s a junior who wants to bring people together and make people happy.